Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"SHAR this is MANAV calling from low earth Orbit"

ISRO Orbital Vehicle might be named MANAV?

Recently, I came across a paper [1] on  ISRO's space technology evolution roadmap. An image caught my eye, which I present here as Fig. 2. In the figure, what I particularly find interesting is the depiction of Manned space vehicle. I present a zoomed in version of the same in the Fig. 1. This is a new type of vehicle shown for the first time in ISRO's technology evolution roadmap. Guessing the letters on the vehicle, it looks like it might be named as MANAV for Manned Autonomous NAvigation Vehicle.

Fig.2 Evolution of space technologies.
Previous road maps, one shown in the Fig. 3 never included any depiction of such vehicle.
They only included depiction of ISRO's orbital vehicle (OV) that looks quite different when compared with MANAV.

Fig. 3 Old roadmap of ISRO space transportation.

[1] B.N. Suresh, "Roadmap of Indian space transportation", ScienceDirect, Acta Astronautica
     64 (2009) 395-402

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